Methods for Function summary
Methods for function summary
to calculate summary statistics from a "MultiChainLadder" object.
# S4 method for class 'MultiChainLadder'
summary(object, portfolio=NULL,...)
calculations the summary statistics for each triangle and the whole portfolio from portfolio
. portfolio
defaults to the sum of all input triangles. It can also be specified as "i+j" format, which means the sum of the i-th and j-th triangle as portfolio. For example, "1+3"
means the sum of the first and third triangle as portfolio.
The summary
function returns an object of class "MultiChainLadderSummary" that has the following slots:
- Triangles
input triangles
- FullTriangles
predicted triangles
- S.E.Full
a list of prediction errors for each cell
- S.E.Est.Full
a list of estimation errors for each cell
- S.E.Proc.Full
a list of process errors for each cell
- Ultimate
predicted ultimate losses for each triangle and portfolio
- Latest
latest observed losses for each triangle and portfolio
predicted IBNR for each triangle and portfolio
- S.E.Ult
a matrix of prediction errors of ultimate losses for each triangle and portfolio
- S.E.Est.Ult
a matrix of estimation errors of ultimate losses for each triangle and portfolio
- S.E.Proc.Ult
a matrix of process errors of ultimate losses for each triangle and portfolio
- report.summary
summary statistics for each triangle and portfolio
- coefficients
estimated coefficients from
. They are put into the matrix format for GMCL- coefCov
estimated variance-covariance matrix returned by
- residCov
estimated residual covariance matrix returned by
- rstandard
standardized residuals
- fitted.values
- residCor
residual correlation
- model.summary
summary statistics for the cofficients including p-values
- portfolio
how portfolio is calculated
Wayne Zhang actuary_zhang@hotmail.com
See also
See Also MultiChainLadder
fit.bbmw=MultiChainLadder(list(GenIns),fit.method="OLS", mse.method="Independence")
#> $`Summary Statistics for Input Triangle`
#> Latest Dev.To.Date Ultimate IBNR S.E CV
#> 1 3,901,463 1.0000 3,901,463 0 0 0.000
#> 2 5,339,085 0.9826 5,433,719 94,634 75,535 0.798
#> 3 4,909,315 0.9127 5,378,826 469,511 121,700 0.259
#> 4 4,588,268 0.8661 5,297,906 709,638 133,551 0.188
#> 5 3,873,311 0.7973 4,858,200 984,889 261,412 0.265
#> 6 3,691,712 0.7223 5,111,171 1,419,459 411,028 0.290
#> 7 3,483,130 0.6153 5,660,771 2,177,641 558,356 0.256
#> 8 2,864,498 0.4222 6,784,799 3,920,301 875,430 0.223
#> 9 1,363,294 0.2416 5,642,266 4,278,972 971,385 0.227
#> 10 344,014 0.0692 4,969,825 4,625,811 1,363,385 0.295
#> Total 34,358,090 0.6478 53,038,946 18,680,856 2,447,618 0.131