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Return most recent values for all origin periods of a cumulative development triangle.


getLatestCumulative(Triangle, na.values = NULL)



a Triangle in matrix format.


a vector specifying values that should be considered synonymous with NA when searching for the rightmost non-NA.


A vector of most recent non-'NA' (and synonyms, if appropriate) values of a triangle for all origin periods. The names of the vector equal the origin names of the Triangle. The vector will have additional attributes: "latestcol" equalling the index of the column in Triangle corresponding to the row's rightmost entry; "rowsname" equalling the name of the row dimension of Triangle, if any; "colnames" equalling the corresponding column name of Triangle, if any; "colsname" equalling the name of the column dimension of Triangle, if any.


Ben Escoto, Markus Gesmann, Dan Murphy

See also

See also as.triangle.


#>       dev
#> origin    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
#>   1981 5012  8269 10907 11805 13539 16181 18009 18608 18662 18834
#>   1982  106  4285  5396 10666 13782 15599 15496 16169 16704    NA
#>   1983 3410  8992 13873 16141 18735 22214 22863 23466    NA    NA
#>   1984 5655 11555 15766 21266 23425 26083 27067    NA    NA    NA
#>   1985 1092  9565 15836 22169 25955 26180    NA    NA    NA    NA
#>   1986 1513  6445 11702 12935 15852    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
#>   1987  557  4020 10946 12314    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
#>   1988 1351  6947 13112    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
#>   1989 3133  5395    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
#>   1990 2063    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
#>  1981  1982  1983  1984  1985  1986  1987  1988  1989  1990 
#> 18834 16704 23466 27067 26180 15852 12314 13112  5395  2063 
#> attr(,"latestcol")
#> 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 
#>   10    9    8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1 
#> attr(,"rowsname")
#> [1] "origin"
#> attr(,"colnames")
#>  [1] "10" "9"  "8"  "7"  "6"  "5"  "4"  "3"  "2"  "1" 
#> attr(,"colsname")
#> [1] "dev"
Y <- matrix(c(1,  2,  3,
              4,  5,  0, 
              6, NA, NA), byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)
getLatestCumulative(Y) # c(3, 0, 6) 
#> [1] 3 0 6
#> attr(,"latestcol")
#> [1] 3 3 1
getLatestCumulative(Y, na.values = 0) # c(3, 5, 6) 
#> [1] 3 5 6
#> attr(,"latestcol")
#> [1] 3 2 1